About Us
Discover a world of wellness at Vida Mineral Water Ballito and embark on the journey to a healthier you. We proudly offer convenient weekly deliveries tailored to meet the needs of offices and schools. Dive into a selection of products that are designed to enhance your well-being, making healthy living easier and more enjoyable. Vida mineral water provides you with the ultimate solution to everyday hydration for optimum health.

Why Choose Vida Mineral Water?
Embark on the Vida Experience today!
Explore our collection and shop now to elevate your hydration journey with Vida Mineral Water, where you can indulge in the pure goodness of nature's finest minerals and refresh your body and soul.
Minerals help keep your body working properly. They support things like muscle function, bone strength, and even heart health. So, when you drink water with minerals, you're giving your body what it needs to stay strong and balanced.
We take Reverse Osmosis treated water and Remineralise the water. The Vida Way offers you the best of both worlds. Water that has received the valuable protection of Reverse Osmosis but more importantly now also the access the benefits of drinking mineralised water. Enjoy our delicious pure water with every health benefit possible. It tastes good too.
"You could trace every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency."
Dr. Linus Pauling